A 28 year old lady not at all happy with her bridge and does not like to smile. Challenging case due to high smile, loss of upper left central incisor and underlying bone and gum, poor margins on bridge (exposed) and unaesthetic pink porcelain used to replace missing soft tissue. The patient had financial restrictions and wished to avoid a dental implant.
The treatment requires teamwork approach such as orthodontist, dental surgeon, restorative dentist, ceramist (dental technician).
The first step is the removal of old bridge work and the installation of temporary crowns. Then the fixed brackets to align teeth for an optimal position for permanent restoration. Then soft tissue grafts (dental flesh graft) to replace missing soft tissue and thus eliminate the need for pink porcelain. The temporary new bridge is being set to help the soft tissue guide and facilitate healing. Finally the bridge work. The end result is a happy patient who learned to smile again.
Dr Brenda Cutajar – Orthodontist
Dr Mark Diacono – Oral surgeon
Dr Piotr Strojek – Restorative dentist
Mr Marco Astrologo – Ceramist